Digital Safety Passport at ECT Delta Terminal and Euromax terminal

Hutchison Ports ECT Terminals Rotterdam combines security and efficiency. As of today the organisation accepts the Digital Safety Passport at its Delta and Euromax Terminal in order to grant authorised contractor personnel and other service providers fast and safe access.

The procedure works the same as for PortKeys. When a user first arrives at the terminal, he / she must report to the FrontOffice in building 5 on the ground floor in the forecourt of the Delta terminal. If the person has permission to enter the site, the Digital Safety Passport will be authorized for both the Delta and the Euromax terminal. After this, the user can enter the site with the Digital Safety Passport. The columns at the entrances have both high and low card readers with a fingervein reader. If a person has not visited the site for a longer period of time, the Digital Safety Passport will be automatically blocked (for ECT) and have to be re-authorized at the FrontOficce.

The Digital Safety Passport (DSP) is available at Secure Logistics. This strictly personal smart card protects identity data and keeps track of when registered training and instructions expire. Dozens of locations in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany accept the DSP for identity and competence verification on access.