Did you receive a message from us about your contract with Secure Logistics and do you want to renew it? Then follow the process below. 

Renew contract

  1. Log in at XS-ID Online with the log in details you recently received from us by e-mail. You can also use the 'Log in' button in the upper right corner of this website.
  2. Then click on the arrow next to your username and choose "Renew contract" from the dropdown menu.
  3. Fill in the details. You will automatically be (re)linked to your company.
  4. Now go to the page with your company details
  5. Scroll down and click on Contracts.
  6. Select the language of your choice and read the General Terms and Conditions.
  7. Tick the new conditions and click on 'Enable'.
  8. You will receive a confirmation that your contract has been renewed.

What happens if you don't take action?

If you do not take any action, it will no longer be possible to renew or apply for XS-Keys or XS-IDs as of 1 January 2022.  Not even if your XS-Key is defective in the meantime. This is because XS-Keys can no longer be extended, replaced or requested on the basis of the old conditions.

Do you still have questions? Please contact us by telephone on 010-4637777 or by e-mail at servicedesk@secure-logistics.nl.

Please note that a contract can only be concluded or renewed by an authorised signatory, who is registered in the Chamber of Commerce extract.  

Are you authorised to sign, but don't have an activated XS-Key? Then follow the process below to identify yourself.