It has been 4 months since Brenda van Leeuwen started at Secure Logistics as Commercial Director. At our office in Waalhaven, we will talk to Brenda about her first period at Secure Logistics. Read below how Brenda experienced her first 4 months.

Brenda van Leeuwen: “It's bizarre that it's been 4 months since I started at Secure Logistics! Due to the warm welcome from the Secure Logistics employees and other stakeholders, it actually feels like it has been a lot longer. Over the past period it has become even clearer to me how great the impact that Secure Logistics' services and products have on the logistics sector, among others."


Brenda, explains: "Reliable, smart and fast access control & identity management not only increases security, but also the efficiency and further digitization of essential processes in the logistics sector. You don't really think about that when you buy a pair of new shoes or just buy an avocado 😉. Proud that I can contribute to this! Passion and Pride is also what I feel about our employees at the Waalhaven and Maasvlakte Plaza.”


“In the first 100 days you naturally gather a lot of information and gain many impressions. What helped me enormously were the visits to a number of our customers, Heineken Zoeterwoude, TCVT, Hutchison Ports Venlo. What could be better than seeing with your own eyes how our products contribute to efficient gate handling, preventing traffic jams and ensuring that employees and/or contractors can always be granted access based on the relevant and valid credentials. We also participated in the Multimodal Transport Expo in Breda, where I had the opportunity to meet many stakeholders and customers!”


Brenda concludes: “I am really looking forward to the coming months in which we will continue to build our organization and market position together with our partners, customers and the various teams within Secure Logistics. Great things are planned!”

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