The transport chain is essential for global trade, with an annual freight volume of 24.4 trillion ton-kilometers. However, this chain is increasingly under pressure due to crime, such as theft and fraud, causing annual losses of more than €8.2 billion in Europe. This not only leads to financial losses but also poses risks to the safety of employees and the reputation of businesses.

How can we address these challenges? With biometrics.


By making identities personal and non-transferable – for example, through facial recognition at gate access or fingerprints for digital systems – misuse can be detected more quickly, and the integrity of the chain is ensured. But how can biometrics actually improve safety in the transport chain? And what are the benefits and challenges of this technology?


Curious about how biometrics enhances security in the transport chain? Read the full article in the Biometrics Institute Paper!

Adjusted opening hours Maasvlakte Plaza service point during the holidays
  • Tuesday 24 and 31 December

    08:00 am - 4:00 pm.

  • 25, 26 December and 1 January: Closed.


Thank you for your understanding. Happy holidays! 🎄